Why You Should Use Primrose Oil

Evening primrose oil: Uses and drug interactions

Evening primrose oil is extracted from the seeds of Oenothera biennis. Primrose is a plant that is native to North America. The name ‘primrose’ is derived from the plant’s yellow blossoms, which usually flower in the evening. The essential oil extracts of this plant contain gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is a beneficial omega-6 fatty acid with analgesic (pain-relieving) and anti-inflammatory properties. 

What Are the Health Benefits of Evening Primrose Oil?

Since the 1930s, research indicates that an evening primrose oil supplement can be promoted as an effective treatment for various different ailments, such as eczema and breast pain.

Primrose oil is considered so effective due to its rich GLA content. An essential fatty acid, GLA is also found in walnuts, seeds, soybeans, and vegetable oils (like linseed oil, rapeseed, and canola).

Here are a few important health benefits of taking evening primrose capsules.

1.  Menstrual Conditions

For decades, women have been using evening primrose oil to effectively deal with hot flashes during menopause. Hot flashes is a form of flushing that is a result of the reduced levels of a hormone known as estradiol.

2.  Eczema

Back in the 1980s, people strongly touted evening primrose oil as an effective treatment for eczema. Individuals felt almost an instant relief after massaging the infected area with soothing primrose oil.

3. Rheumatoid Arthritis

A type of autoimmune arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis typically affects the joints in the body. Several studies have also suggested that GLA in primrose supplements can reduce pain and improve body functions in people that are diagnosed with mild to moderate rheumatoid arthritis.

General questions about using primrose oil

How long does evening primrose oil last?

Unsaturated fats are susceptible to oxidative deterioration.

And since Evening primrose oil is high in unsaturated fats, the concentration of seed oil content drops after 3 to 4 months’ even if you refrigerate it.

You can extend its shelf life by keeping it in its original container. A blue container is preferable as it prevents sun exposure) and store it in the refrigerator. Although you can store primrose oil for about six months in the refrigerator, try to use it within three months for greatest efficacy.

Visit your nearest vitamin supplements store to get your own primrose oil today!

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